Nembeza Wesive

Eswatini Anti-Corruption Commission

About ACC

About Anti-Corruption Commission

The Anti-Corruption Commission was established in 1998 by the Prevention of Corruption Order, No. 19 of 1993. It experienced a number of challenges which hindered its performance.

During the year 2002, the case of the Crown Vs Mandla Ablon Dlamini, Criminal Case Number 7 of 2002, interrupted the operations of the Commission as the High Court held that the Prevention of Corruption Order of 1993 was null and void. This ruling paralyzed the Commission and all activities pertaining to operations came to an abrupt halt.

This stalemate position obtained until 2005 when the Supreme Court of Appeal set aside the ruling of the High Court. The Supreme Court of Appeal declared the Prevention of Corruption Order of 1993 valid and enforceable. Minimal activities were then undertaken by the Commission until the passing enactment of the Prevention of Corruption Act (POCA) No. 3 of 2006.

In 2008, the present Commission was re-launched into operations after its establishment by the Prevention of Corruption Act No. 3 of 2006. The Commission is headed by the Commissioner, who is appointed under the provisions of Section 4 of the POCA and is responsible for the proper administration of the Commission. The Commissioner is assisted by two Deputy Commissioners and other staff appointed under the provision of Section 8 of the Act.

In 2018, the current Commissioner Mr. Daniel B. Dlamini together with Deputy Commissioner Operations, Mr. Maphevu Mkhatshwa were appointed by His Majesty King Mswati III for a period of five years.