Nembeza Wesive

Eswatini Anti-Corruption Commission


The mandate for the Commission is drawn from Section 10 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, 2006 which outlines the following functions of the Commission:

a. Take necessary measures for the prevention of corruption in public and private bodies, including, in particular, measures for:

i) Examining the practices and procedures of public and private bodies in order to facilitate the discovery of corrupt practices and secure the revision of their methods of works or procedures which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, may be prone or conducive to corrupt practices;

ii) Advising public and private bodies on the ways and means of preventing corrupt practices, and on changes in the methods of work or procedures of those public and private bodies compatible with the effective performance of their duties, which the Commissioner considers necessary to reduce the likelihood of the occurrence of corrupt practices;

iii) Disseminating information on the evil and dangerous effects of corrupt practices on the society;

iv) Enlisting and fostering public support against corrupt practices;

b) Receive and investigate complaints of alleged or suspected corrupt practices made against any person, and refer appropriate cases to the Director of Public Prosecutions;

c) Investigate any alleged or suspected offences under this Act or any other offence disclosed during such an investigation;

d) Investigate any alleged or suspected contravention of any of the provisions of the fiscal and revenue laws of the country;

e) Assist any law enforcement agency of the Government in the investigation of offences involving dishonesty or cheating of the public revenue;

f) Investigate the conduct of any public officer which in the opinion of the Commissioner may be connected or conducive to corrupt practices;

g) Instruct, advise and assist any person, on the request of that person, on ways in which corrupt practices may be eliminated by that person; and h) Do all such things as may be necessary for the prevention of corruption and the furtherance of the objects of this Act.